Otarre Pointe Apartment Homes

Essential Tips to Secure Your Apartment Before Traveling

Essential Tips to Secure Your Apartment Before Traveling

Essential Tips to Secure Your Apartment Before Traveling


Traveling can offer some of the most exhilarating experiences of our lives, allowing us to explore, relax, and create lifelong memories. However, nothing can halt the post-vacation high quite like returning to an apartment that was compromised while you were away. If you're a resident of the vibrant city of Columbia, SC or considering joining our community at Otarre Pointe Apartments, it's vitally important to take measures to secure your space before embarking on your journey.

In this guide, we’ll share practical tips to help you leave your apartment safe and sound, so all you need to focus on is enjoying your trip. Whether you reside in one of the beautiful apartments in Columbia, SC, or anywhere else, these strategies can offer peace of mind, deter potential intruders, and prevent accidents.


Double-Check Locks and Windows

Before you set out on your adventure, make sure that all points of entry, including windows and balcony doors, are securely locked. It may seem basic, but in the hustle and bustle of travel preparations, it's easy to overlook this essential security step.

Ask a Friend to Check In

Enlist a reliable friend or a neighbor to keep an eye on your place. Having someone collect mail, switch lights on occasionally, and move parked cars can give the impression that someone is home, thus stifaring potential burglars.

Avoid Over Sharing on Social Media

While it's tempting to share your travel countdown or check-in at exotic locations, real-time updates can alert the wrong people that your apartment is vacant. Save your posts and pictures for after you return.

Secure Valuables in a Safe Place

If you have valuables or sensitive documents, secure them in a safe deposit box or a hidden safe. It's best not to leave items like jewelry, important documents, or additional keys out in plain sight.

Unplug Electronics

Unplugging electronics can prevent power surges and reduce the risk of fire. Plus, it saves energy and reduces your utility bills—a win-win situation!

Use Timed Lighting

Invest in timers that can turn lamps on and off at predetermined times. This gives the impression that the apartment is occupied, possibly deterring break-ins.

Notify Your Landlord or Management Company

It’s a good practice to let your landlord or management company know if you're going to be away for an extended period. They can keep an extra eye on your place and be aware in case any issues arise.

Set Up Mail Hold with USPS

An overflowing mailbox can signal to potential thieves that you're not home. Avoid this by setting up a mail hold with the US Postal Service, which is a free service they offer.

Adjust Your Thermostat

To save on your energy bill, adjust your thermostat to a lower setting in the winter or a higher one in the summer. Just ensure it's safe for any plants or pets staying behind.

Consider a Security System

If you don't already have one, consider installing a security system. Even a basic camera at your front door can be enough to deter potential burglars.


Final Thoughts

Whether you are currently savoring the amenities of Otarre Pointe Apartments or you're seeking apartments in Columbia, SC, with a cozy and safe environment, it's crucial to know how to secure your home. Implement these tips to ensure you can fully unwind on your travels knowing that you've left your personal sanctuary secure.

Embark on your next journey with confidence, and remember, Otarre Pointe Apartments offers more than just comfort; we provide a sense of security for all our cherished residents. For those in search of apartments in Columbia, SC, contact us today to schedule a personal tour and find out why our residents love calling us home. Discover the peace of mind that comes with living in a community that values safety and security as much as you do.

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