Otarre Pointe Apartment Homes

Why Adding Greenery to Small Apartment Living is Beneficial

Why Adding Greenery to Small Apartment Living is Beneficial

Why Adding Greenery to Small Apartment Living is Beneficial


Living in a small apartment can be challenging, and many people feel like they can't make it feel like home. However, adding greenery to your apartment can make a huge difference in the ambiance and liveliness of your space. From improving air quality to boosting mood, adding plants to your small apartment living can provide numerous benefits that you may not have considered before. In this blog post, we’ll dive into why adding greenery to small apartment living is beneficial.


1. Increases Oxygen Levels and Improves Air Quality

Adding plants to your small apartment living can help improve the air quality inside by reducing carbon dioxide levels and increasing oxygen levels. Some of the best plants for improving air quality include spider plants, peace lilies, and English ivy. Not only will these plants improve the quality of the air in your apartment, but also create a calming and serene atmosphere.

2. Reduces Stress While Boosting Mood

Living in a small apartment with little space can be stressful, but adding greenery can change that. Incorporating plants into your apartment helps reduce stress levels and improves mood, keeping your mind calm and relaxed. According to several studies, people who lived with plants experienced 15% less cortisol, the stress hormone, compared to people who didn’t have plants in their environment.

3. Adds Colorful and Textural Elements

Adding greenery to your small apartment allows you to play with different textures and colors to improve the aesthetics of your space. You can choose a variety of plants in different pots and locations to showcase your personality and style. Consider adding succulents, ferns, and cacti for a unique look.

4. Boosts Productivity and Creativity

Introducing plants to your small apartment can enhance productivity and creativity by improving concentration and reducing fatigue. Scientific studies have shown that the presence of plants in workplaces and classrooms improve attention spans, helping individuals stay focused and engaged.

5. Lowers Energy Costs

Adding greenery to your small apartment can lower energy costs. Plants release moisture into the air, which increases humidity, helping you feel warmer and therefore, lowering your heating bills. Moreover, plants can help you feel more comfortable, reducing the need for air conditioning. 



Adding greenery to your small apartment can provide numerous benefits, from boosting mood to reducing stress. Incorporating plants into your space can enhance the air quality, improve productivity levels and creativity, reduce energy costs, and add a touch of vibrancy. So, why not bring the outside in and create your own miniature garden in your small apartment living space? Find the perfect place to make your dream come true by contacting Otarre Pointe Apartments, especially if you're looking for apartments in Cayce, SC. They offer a personal tour of the property and will help you find the perfect apartment at a reasonable price.

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