Otarre Pointe Apartment Homes

How to Cat-Proof Your Apartment

How to Cat-Proof Your Apartment

How to Cat-Proof Your Apartment

Many people love having cats as pets. They are cute, cuddly, and entertaining. However, cats can also be mischievous and curious creatures that love to explore. This can lead to all sorts of trouble in your apartment. From tearing up furniture to getting into household chemicals, there are many potential hazards for a cat in an apartment. That's why it's essential to cat-proof your living space. In this blog post, we'll share some tips on how to make your apartment safer and more comfortable for your feline friend.

1. Secure your windows and balcony

Cats are notorious for jumping; thus, having unsecured windows, balconies, or other open spaces can pose a risk to your feline friend's safety. Cat owners must ensure that their windows and balcony doors have sturdy screens to prevent cats from falling out. If your apartment does not have screens, you can easily install them or ask your landlord to do so. It's also essential to close balcony doors when you're not home to prevent your cat from running off or jumping.

2. Cover your power cords

Cats love to chew on anything that looks like a string, and that includes power cords. Exposed power cords not only pose a risk of electrocution but can also lead to some costly replacements. As such, you want to cover all power cords in your home, or better yet, install cord channels that hide the cords and keep them out of the way. Be sure to unplug all electrical devices from the wall when not in use and put them away.

3. Hide your plants

Some plants are toxic to cats (lilies, for example), while others can irritate their digestive systems. As such, you want to keep any toxic plants away from your feline companion. Cats are curious creatures and will try to munch on anything green in sight. If you are not sure if a plant is toxic or not, research it online or contact your veterinarian for advice. Alternatively, you could opt for artificial plants as a safer option.

4. Store hazardous materials away

Many household items, such as cleaning products and medicine, can be toxic to cats. Keep all hazardous materials (including food!) out of reach of your cat to prevent ingestion. A good idea is to have a lockable cabinet that contains all your hazardous materials.

5. Give your cat their space

Cats need their space, too, so designate areas where your cat can scratch, play, and lounge. A scratching post or a scratching pad can help prevent damage to your furniture and satisfy your feline's natural scratching behavior. Add comfortable blankets and soft toys to play with to make your cat's spaces more enticing.



Cats are fun and entertaining pets to have; however, they can be quite mischievous and curious, making them prone to accidents. By cat-proofing your apartment, you can prevent accidents and ensure your cat's safety and well-being. The tips we've shared in this blog post are simple yet effective ways to create a safe living environment for both you and your feline friend. So, remember, keep an eye out for potential hazards, and always think like a cat! If you're looking for apartments in Cayce, SC, contact Otarre Pointe Apartments today to schedule a personal tour.

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