Otarre Pointe Apartment Homes

Seven Herbs to Grow in Your Apartment

Seven Herbs to Grow in Your Apartment

Seven Herbs to Grow in Your Apartment

Indoor gardening is a fun pastime to unwind and savor nature's goodness indoors. It's also a more delicious and safer option than buying herbs at your local grocery store. There's nothing wrong with taking that path, but isn't it wonderful to know exactly what is employed to grow your herbs without pesticides and foreign or harsh chemicals? Isn't it a pleasant sensation to pick a few leaves off your plant and scatter it onto your dish? No longer will your spices wither away, lingering to be used in your refrigerator.

With a little patience and some delicate upkeep, you can keep a row of several spices growing in your apartments in Cayce, SC, in no time. The free aromatherapy you'll acquire from caring for your plants is unlike any other. The pleasure of knowing something you've tended is blooming in your kitchen can't be beaten. Here are just some of the spices you can grow in your apartment this season.


These grass-like leaves multiply fast in a small pot in a remarkably sunny area. As a member of the onion clan, its flavor resembles that of a mild, sweeter scallion. As a result, they're a great complement to several hearty dishes such as mashed potatoes, eggs, and even cheddar biscuits.


As one of the most famous indoor plants, basil is delicious and easy to grow indoors or outdoors. Sprigs of basil will root in water on your kitchen window, and you can grow plants from seeds or cuttings. Basil is critical to pesto and a fine tomato sauce. Plus, it tastes outstanding and fresh in a tomato balsamic mozzarella salad or cooked into your favorite pasta dish.


You may find your rosemary plant to look like a miniature Christmas tree, but don't let its Christmas-like elements fool you. Rosemary is excellent for aromatherapy and couples amazingly with robust autumn dishes such as potatoes, red meat, and slow cooker meals. Remember to add it at the end, as overcooking fresh spices can make them taste bitter.


Thyme is another highly sought-after houseplant employed to season meats and vegetables, and it works beautifully as a superb addition to marinades. This fragrant herb pairs well with just about everything and grows quickly.


A must-have for any indoor garden! Mint couples well with desserts or to chew on in place of gum. Pick a few leaves and make yourself a mint julep or mojito to bring back a flavor of summer during the chilly fall or winter months.


Chervil is a French herb that compares to tarragon in flavor but parsley in its appearance. This spice tends to grow very fast, so be ready to use it regularly. It tastes great scattered on salmon, glazed carrots, eggs, and risotto.


Plant separate cloves in little pots of dirt on a sunny windowsill. In a few weeks, you'll have garlic offshoots for clipping and utilizing in dishes to replace chives (you can do the same with shallots). Roast the garlic cloves for an even better flavor experience.

Grow these herbs in your apartment for a delightfully fresh addition to your meals. And, call us first if you need apartments in Cayce, SC.

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