If you would love to update the look of your apartment, but you do not have a lot of cash to spend, then consider heading to a thrift store. Often, you can find many wonderful things there that you will fall in love with for your apartment. Here are some tips for thrift store shopping for your apartment in Cayce, SC.
There are many wonderful thrift stores near Otarre Pointe Apartments. You may want to consider shopping at St. Paws, Mission Thrift, Thrifty Giftshop and His House Thrift Store. Since most items are either on consignment or been donated, you never know what you may find on any given day. Therefore, you should try to go often to see all the wonderful choices. Do not be afraid to leave empty handed.
One of the dangers in thrift store shopping is that you will see many wonderful items that you will fall in love with instantly. If you are on a set budget, then this can be a real problem. Instead of surrendering to the urge to take everything home with you, make a need-it list. Then, use your list to control what you buy. You may still find it hard to resist the urge, however, to leave some objects behind.
When you go thrift store shopping, make sure to look at the quality of each item that you consider. If an item needs a lot of repairs, consider how easy it will be to get the parts that you need to repair the piece and the cost of those repairs. Generally, if an item needs extensive repairs, then it is better left there.
Furniture that has simple lines is easier to restore and upcycle. Wood pieces often require only a light sanding and some small nails or wood glue to put them back in tip-top condition. Then, you can paint or stain them to make them fit in perfectly with your décor.
While some thrift stores have set prices, others welcome you to negotiate with them about price. Know what you want to pay. Then, state a figure a little under the amount that you would like to ideally pay as you never know when the manager or another worker will say yes. Stating your low figure first allows you to meet the other person in the middle. Do not be afraid to walk away if the price seems too high.
Decorating apartments in Cayce, SC. can be a lot of fun. Start by developing a list of needed items. Then, head to the best thrift stores to see what is available. You never know what you will find, so make it a point to return often.