Otarre Pointe Apartment Homes

4 Ways To Decorate With Homemade Artwork

4 Ways To Decorate With Homemade Artwork

4 Ways To Decorate With Homemade Artwork

Decorating an apartment can be expensive, especially if you’re investing in professional artwork. While it’s great to support local artists, there are some budget-friendly ways to decorate your home that showcase your own budding art skills.

If you don’t consider yourself the artistic type, don’t worry; these projects are as simple or complex as you decide to make them. With a few paintbrushes and some simple art supplies, you can create fun works of art that will help add character and warmth to your apartment.

Picture frames

Framed photos and artwork can be quite expensive, but a budget-friendly alternative is to decorate the wall with empty picture frames. Find frames that fit the current them of your apartment at flea markets, garage sales, the dollar store, or craft stores. Then, pick up decorations like rope and seashells for a nautical theme, glitter and feathers for a girl’s bedroom, or natural paint colors for a more understated effect.

Decorate the frames, then hang them on the walls either solo, or in a large, geometric pattern. Mix and match shapes for a more eclectic vibe, or use all squares or circles for a more modern touch.


While framed photos is certainly an option, there are many other ways to use photos to create artwork. Find some photos you want to feature, whether they’re stock landscapes or family favorites, size them down to 4x5, and print them onto photo paper. Then, organize them on the wall to form a shape or symbol.

You can also print off photos with similar colors or shapes, and arrange them on some matting to create an abstract piece. Use pictures with circles and create a themed collage, or print off lots of flowers in different colors, and arrange them by color like a rainbow.

Paint The Walls

You will want to check with the superintended before painting your walls, but this can be an easy way to update your décor without needing much artistic talent. Choose a complimentary color and paint a bold accent wall, or tape off large stripes and paint a pattern.

You can also stencil letters, symbols, or shapes and paint them right onto the wall. Frame them to add some depth, or leave it bare for a more understated look.

Frame Objects

Almost anything can be framed and displayed as artwork. Find some interesting coasters and glue them to cardstock. Pick up some colorful leaves, or press a flower. Take pages from an old book and mount them to some cardboard. Then, frame your objects and hang them up. Simple, affordable, and unique.

Are you apartment hunting? Contact Otarre Pointe Apartment Homes in Cacye, SC, to learn more about our housing options.

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